The Next Generation of STEM

Every day our world is changing, evolving and advancing. The ideas, words, and actions people take leave heavy impacts on our world—helping it progress in ways which might have once been considered to be humanly impossible. Technology plays a substantial role in the innovations of our world today helping make a difference in the events happening in our world. I believe that computer programming has played a significant role in our world.
One of the most important ways programming is being implemented is in building robots—robots are intricate pieces of machinery but without the code that is used to program them—they are just piles of metal. Whether it be a robot that can help around the house, or a robot that can save lives, the endless applications of robotics are incredible.
Computer science impacts every aspect of our lives whether we notice or not. These advancements are all possible because of the breakthroughs that have been made in computer science. I have seen how the applications of computer science are boundless- not only in the efficiency of our daily lives but the advancement of other fields of study - such as medicinal studies where technology has been seen to make procedures faster, safer and has helped save millions of lives. Having strong abilities in programming help me change my community by creating meaningful programs which I would be able to design and would have positive impact on my society.
As a young woman growing up in a changing society, I believe that young women need to be exposed to the various fields available and to take the chances, seize any opportunity that they can get to learn programming in new languages and show that anybody can make a change in the world. Being a part of the generation that empowers everyone, using the power of code to advance all fields of study, and to use encourage young women so that I can lead the world into a better tomorrow.
-Shwetha, co-captain of Prototype G - 11306
Now on our second year, we are proud to say that Prototype G, a reputable all-girls FIRST Tech Challenge robotics team from Princeton, NJ, is once again made up of 10 girls all of whom are united by our love for robotics.
FIRST is a global robotics program that is dedicated to educating, inspiring, and connecting students by engaging them in an interactive robotics program which incorporates computer science, engineering, and technology skills that inspire innovation. This program nurtures the skills needed in everyday life such as public speaking; it stresses the importance of teamwork, building connections, hands-on problem solving and much more.
Our team was created and is funded by SES who hosts our weekday meeting venue and YWCA Princeton (who strives to eliminate racism and empower women in all fields of study).